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By signing this document, I expressly and unequivocally express my consent to the processing of personal data by SC Delta Plus Trading SRL, by automated or manual means, directly or through its partners in the country or abroad, and that I may be photographed. or filmed on the occasion of my presence inside the company, in compliance with legal requirements and in conditions to ensure the security and confidentiality of the rights of data subjects, data that can be used for commercial purposes, and related to marketing, advertising, etc. In accordance with the provisions of Law 677/2001, S.C.Delta Plus Trading S.R.L. processes personal data, in compliance with the principles mentioned in EU Regulation 679/2016. I have become aware of the fact that I can exercise all the rights provided by Law no. 677/2001 for the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data, in particular the following rights: the right to access data, the right to intervene on data, the right not to be subjected to an individual decision, the right to oppose , the right to delete data.

Copyright and / or Rights in Industrial Designs

Delta Plast Holding SRL is the owner of this site. Photos, text, slogans, drawings, images, animated or non-animated sequences, and all works incorporated into this site are the property of Delta Plast Holding or any third party who has authorized Delta Plast Holding to use them. The vehicle models presented on this site are protected in accordance with the legal provisions relating to copyright and / or intellectual property rights relating to the protection of industrial designs. Reproductions, on paper or digital, of the above site and / or of the works and / or models of vehicles which are reproduced on the site are permitted provided that they are intended for strictly personal use, excluding any use for advertising purposes and / or commercial and / or information, so as to comply with intellectual property laws. Except for the foregoing provisions, any reproduction, presentation, use or partial or complete modification of the site, regardless of the process or the medium, of the various works and models of vehicles that make it up, without having previously obtained the authorization from Delta Plast Holding, is strictly forbidden and constitutes an INFRINGEMENT that is punishable according to the legislation in force.


These pages provide an overview of the range of products and services. The images of the products on the site are for presentation purposes and are not the responsibility of Delta Plast Holding. Delta Plast Holding reserves the right to modify / update the information contained in this website, in particular the technical characteristics, the equipment of the models presented and the prices, at any time, without notice, taking into account the interactive feature of without prejudice to Delta Plast Holding or its employees. Delta Plast Holding is at your disposal for any information, in particular regarding the prices, the availability of the presented models, as well as their latest evolutions.


Utilizatorul foloseşte site-ul pe riscul propriu. În nici un caz, Delta Plast Holding nu va putea fi făcuţ responsabil pentru daune directe sau indirecte şi în special pentru prejudiciul material, pierderea de date sau de program, prejudiciul financiar, rezultând din accesul sau utilizarea acestui site sau a tuturor site-urilor care sunt legate de el. Conţinutul site-ului este prezentat fără nici o garanţie, de nicio natură.

Informaţiile asupra produselor, serviciilor, modelelor, caracteristicilor şi preţurilor acestora corespund unei definiţii la momentul redactării lor sau al actualizării diverselor pagini ale site-ului; ele sunt oferite numai cu titlu informativ şi deci nu sunt şi nu trebuie să fie considerate ca o ofertă contractuală a produselor şi serviciilor. Erori sau omisiuni pot interveni.

Accesul la produsele şi serviciile prezentate pe site poate face obiectul unor restricţii. Trebuie deci să vă asiguraţi că legea ţării de unde se stabileşte conectarea vă autorizează să accesaţi site-ul nostru.


These General Conditions, as well as any litigation in connection with or arising from the clauses of these General Conditions or from the access / operation / dysfunction of the site are subject to Romanian domestic law.

The language of the General Conditions and of the site is Romanian. In case of dispute, only the Romanian courts will be considered competent.


Delta Plast Holding reserves the right to change and update the access to the site, as well as the General Conditions, at any time.

These changes and updates are opposable / applicable to the user as soon as they have been posted on the site; therefore, the user must regularly refer to this section to check the General Conditions in force.


Information about the use of your personal data

As the author / owner / administrator of the website www.deltaplus.ro, Delta Plast Holding undertakes to keep the confidentiality of the information provided by you when accessing and completing the electronic application form.

Delta Plast Holding uses security methods and techniques, as well as internal policies and working procedures applicable to employees, to protect the personal data collected and assures those who transmit personal data that it will not be disclosed to third parties unless laws.

In accordance with the provisions of Law no. 677/2001, we inform you that you benefit from the following rights: to confirm, once a year, whether or not your data is processed by the intervention of personal data the application form, respectively without any motivation in case of opposition to data processing for direct marketing purposes.

Delta Plast Holding reserves the right to change and update at any time the content of the website www.deltaplus.ro, as well as the Privacy Policy without any prior notice.

Therefore, please visit this section periodically to check the terms and conditions that you have agreed to abide by.

© 2025 Delta Plus Holding

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